Who would ever have thought back in March 2020 when we learned about the COVID-19 virus that it would have such an impact on the lives of people in our country and around the world, for such a very long time.
People have lost jobs and businesses, but more tragically people have lost loved ones to this devastating virus including right here in our own community. For people dealing with a life-limiting illness and their caregivers it has had a terrible impact, leaving them feeling isolated and alone.
We at Home Hospice North Lanark were forced to suspend our in-person visits between clients and our Visiting Volunteers in order to keep everyone safe and healthy. It was awful that we couldn’t properly carry out our core service. We did what we could. Our Visiting Volunteers and Nurse Coordinator checked in on folks with regular phone calls to ensure that they were coping okay. We worked to assist our clients with navigating the system — which was even more complicated than usual due to the pandemic. We wrote notes of caring to clients in our nursing homes. We also did our best to support those in our community who were bereaved and trying to deal with it all without all the usual customs and supports. We’ve been working diligently to expand our public education programs. But, we’ve been anxious to get back to normal.
So on a very positive and happy note we are announcing that we have cleared in-person visiting with the Lanark Leeds Grenville Health Unit and our in-home services will resume again on Wednesday, December 1 and we could not be happier! Our Visiting Volunteers are ready to go!
Our Program Coordinators and Visiting Volunteers are all double vaccinated and will follow all COVID protocols with masks, shields, and spacing while in the home. The Volunteers will have to complete a daily COVID screening document before entering the home of a client.
If you need to speak with one of our Program Coordinators please call 613-406-7020 for more information on our services and supports, or visit hhnl.ca.