Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Four drawer filing cabinet

If anyone is interested and will, pick...

Green Bean and Olive Salad  

by Susan Hanna This salad from Canadian Living...

Naismith Men’s Shed Owl Boxes

Limited-time offer from your local Naismith Men's...
Police ReportsOPP searching for missing Montague man

OPP searching for missing Montague man

 The Lanark County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is asking the public for their assistance in locating a Montague Township man reported missing on May 10, 2012.

Missing man from Montague township 2

 Morris Ladouceur, age 58 years has not been seen since he left a residence on Highway 15 in Montague Township just North of Smiths Falls. The Lanark County Detachment is being assisted in their investigation by members of the Ontario Provincial Police Emergency Response Team (OPP ERT) and the Ontario Provincial Police Canine Unit (OPP K9).

Ladouceur is described as a white male, 5’8””tall, weighing 160 pounds, brown eyes and short greyish brown hair. He was last seen wearing a brown Hawaiian button up shirt, blue jeans, brown hush puppy style shoes and a black jacket with a logo & letters of T D K on the jacket.

Ladouceur is known to hitch hike and to carry a Bible.

Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of Morris Ladouceur is urged to immediately contact the Lanark County OPP at 613-267-2626 or 1-888-310-1122.





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