Older persons volunteer more hours, provide care for more children and family members, donate more money and provide more services, per capita, than any other age group.
This is not just a feature of developed countries but is prevalent throughout the entire world. They have more time but perhaps more importantly, they have the desire to help make our world, and their communities better.
People are living longer these days and isn`t that wonderful…the fact is that by 2050, the number of people in the world, over the age of 60, will be more than double the number of children. As such, seniors, and their contributions to our world will become even more critical to the success of our communities. Their voices and their opinions matter…let`s listen!
Take the opportunity this week to celebrate International Day of Older Persons by voting on what is most important for you and your family. Join the global vote and register your priorities. Learn more at: www.myworld2015.org
Click here to view the UN Secretary General’s remarks to commemorate IDOP 2013
Click here to read more about seniors and their contributions in Canada