Almonte Lawn Bowling finished up its season with an in-house tournament, The McNeely Cup, on Saturday September 19th under cloudy though rain-free skies. Thirty-two members vied to get their names on the coveted trophy, but the successful team was Guy Chaput (Skip), Leo Brown, and Sandra Bernes. Runners-up were Frank Olscamp (Skip), Pauline Kelly, and Luciano Bernes. The one game high winners were Allan McNeely (Skip) and Dave Cave. Winners of the fun game, ‘hula hoop lawn bowling’, were Cecil DuBois (Skip), Anne Martens, and Pat Cave. Congratulations to all the winners, and many thanks to Denis Davignon who organized the event. It was a great way to mingle novice newcomers and more experienced bowlers in an exhibition of lawn bowling skills. Special appreciation and mention must go to Patty Guimond of Waterside Retirement Residence for sponsoring the food for the tournament, hot chili, buns, and cake for dessert, much enjoyed at the lunch break.
The final event of the 2015 season was held on Wednesday evening, a potluck supper and Annual General Meeting in the clubhouse. Following a delicious meal, the club heard reports from all the directors on the executive and were pleased to know that the club maintained a healthy membership of 56 people, 14 of whom were new to lawn bowling in Almonte this year. President Guy Chaput highlighted the season noting that there were three successful tournaments, and playdowns for the Governor General’s Cup, held at the club facilities, as well as thrice weekly social lawn bowling. Jitney on Monday nights brought out record numbers of players, and the introduction of Marathon Bowling on Wednesday nights saw Bob Thomson and runner up Minerva Osborne accumulate the most points.
The club continues to make improvements to the greens and clubhouse facilities under the capable guidance of Ken Brown and his team of very dedicated volunteers. Greens have never been in better shape and that fact has played a role in the ALBC being selected to host the Governor General’s Cup on Labour Day weekend in 2016. This honour is based on not only the condition of the facilities, but also on the excellent reputation the club has for its good food and friendliness when hosting tournaments. All members should take pride in this fact and look forward to hosting this prestigious event next year.
By-laws were reviewed and amendments approved under the guidance of Cliff Bennett and Al Jones. Two life members were honoured with plaques for their 25 years of lawn bowling at ALBC, James (Jimmy) Reid and Allan McNeely. Honourary membership was extended to Patricia Guimond for her consistent and substantial support for the ALBC over several years. Congratulations to all for these proud accomplishments!
Finally, many thanks go to the Town of Mississippi Mills for its practical and mentoring support for the lawn bowling club. A new 10 year lease and support for operations has provided security as the club moves forward on some of its goals to be the best little lawn bowling club in District 16!! The 2015 season may be over, but the dedicated volunteers continue to work diligently on a number of wintertime projects.
If you did not get in on the fun and action this year, perhaps make 2016 your year to lawn bowl!! We always welcome newcomers, and look forward to seeing you out to the Open House next May. For information about the club and its activities, please contact Cecil and Ruth DuBois (Publicity) at 613 256 7030.
See you next year…