Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Naismith Men’s Shed Owl Boxes

Limited-time offer from your local Naismith Men's...

Answers to Diana’s Quiz – February 15, 2025

by Diana Filer 1.  Finland has again been...

What is That?


What is that … Long Beast?

Over the centuries, the scientists who name the various species of wildlife sometimes have included hints about the appearance of a species both in the common and scientific names. ...

What Is That … New in 2024?

Once we pack up our cottage on White Lake and move back into town for the colder months, we review all of our cottage pictures to cull the poorer...

WIT … Spider Eating?

We love spiders for the role they play controlling insect populations and balancing nature.  We love spiders because they eat insects we do not like.  We love spiders despite...

What Is That … African Bird?

We want to share with you one more article about our excellent adventure in southern Africa, this time looking at some of the birds....

What Is That… African Animal?

We recently spent a couple of weeks in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. We visited three wildlife reserves: Entabeni in the Limpopo province of South...

What Is That… Shock of  Yellow?

The ice is out and the daffodils are blooming at our cottage.  (Fortunately, deer do not eat daffodils.)  As we get ready to move...

What Is That … Spring Duck?

Last year the ice was out at White Lake by April 12th, so when we visited the cottage on Three Mile Bay on the...

What Is That … Canadian Beastie? (part 2)

We dealt with some ‘Canadian’ birds and mammals in our March 5, 2017 article and today we are turning your attention to some ‘Canadian’...

What is That … a Robin or a Thrush?

It seems like the right time of year to talk about American robins.  Thank goodness, the American robins are returning, and spring is just...

What Is That … Canadian Beastie?

As we gear up for this year’s cottage season and celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday, we are anticipating the various species of animals, insects, and...

What is that … pretty bug? (part 2) 

On January 22nd the Millstone News ran our article about pretty bugs ... bugs that are really beetles.  In this piece we want to...

What Is That … Spring Wildflower?

It continues to be a great winter for cross-country skiing and other outdoor activities, but with the snow having been continuously on the ground...

What is That … Pretty Bug?

Talking about 'bugs' is where we have to admit that we do not necessarily agree on nomenclature.  Bruce, having studied environmental biology at university,...

What Is That … Flash of Red?

Red is one of the more easily spotted avian colours being flashed about at the cottage, except in the fall when some leaves turn...

What is that… Moth?

We published an article on February 12, 2016, comparing butterflies with moths.  We think it is time to write an article devoted solely to...

What Is That … Blue(ish) Bird?

We have observed a diversity of blue(ish) plumage at the cottage, although the common name of these birds does not always include the word...

What is That … Spider?

Most of the articles we have written for this column have been about relatively large, charismatic mammals or birds, but sometimes we give a...