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LivingHealthChamplain LHIN seeking community input on regional health priorities

Champlain LHIN seeking community input on regional health priorities

by Mary Wilson-Trider

The Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) is currently setting its priorities for health system improvements over the next three years. The Champlain LHIN runs from Deep River to Cornwall and includes health care agencies in Mississippi Mills, including the Almonte General Hospital.

The LHIN’s role is to help coordinate health care services so that people receive the care they need and deserve in a timely way.

The LHIN does not provide services directly, but it plans, coordinates and funds health services in the Champlain Region’s hospitals, Community Care Access Centres, addictions and mental health agencies, community support services such as Meals on Wheels, Community Health Centres and long-term care homes.

In short, the Almonte General Hospital, Fairview Manor and a broad range of other local and regional health care agencies are affected by LHIN activities, as are all residents of our community who need and use these health services.

The Champlain LHIN is currently seeking input from the community to help shape its priorities, which will form the basis of its Integrated Health Service Plan (IHSP) for 2013 to 2016.

The Champlain LHIN is proposing a plan that aligns to provincial priorities set out by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and builds on local improvements already made or in progress.

According to Champlain LHIN Board Chair Dr. Wilbert Keon, the plan will also “take into account what we know about the health of our residents, how they use health services in our region, how those services are performing and the experiences of providers of care and people who have used health services.”

The LHIN is inviting input from health service providers, partners and the public via an on-line survey.

“We want to know whether we are on the right track to create a high quality, sustainable health system,” Dr. Keon said. “We want you to help us refine and improve our proposed plan.”

The survey is an important opportunity for you to provide your views about local health care to the Champlain LHIN.

Your input will ensure our local voice is heard and it will help to shape the LHIN’s plan—a plan that is sure to affect health care services in our community.

I strongly encourage you to provide your feedback to the LHIN by completing the on-line survey, which can be found under “Our Plan (IHSP)” on the left side of the Champlain LHIN home page at

Mary Wilson Trider is the President and CEO of the Almonte General Hospital.




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