by Rosalyn Stevens
Mississippi Mill Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to send a letter to Queens Park seeking answers to outstanding questions about the project. The sole matter of discussion on the matter was an attempt to reduce the wordiness of the motion, and another to include additional recipients when the motion is sent.
Introduced by councillor Alex Gillis, and seconded by councillor Shawn McLaughlin, the motion calls on town council to inform the provincial authority of outstanding questions, and ask that clarification be given before the provincial government makes any decision on the proposed power plant expansion.
Among the four issues identified in the motion are: operation water levels in the Mississippi River Water Management Plan, along with the zone of influence for the proposed plant; a request for hydraulic modelling to determine the potential for increased future flood risks; a determination on the appropriateness of the scale or the project and whether it is suitable to call this an expansion given its scope; a determination on whether both the existing and proposed plant fit the criteria of ‘run-of-river’ operation; and an evaluation of the impact on Mississippi Mils, including loss of character in Almonte, and the potential for loss of natural and heritage assets.
Councillor Gary Dalgity said he believes this is an important step toward finding the answers that have so far eluded both council and the community.