Saturday, January 18, 2025
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Science & NatureFor the BirdsFor the Birds and Nature: Birding in February

For the Birds and Nature: Birding in February

by Cheryl Baxter

Happy February everyone!  Although it’s almost over now, February brought more birds to my yard!  I was pretty upset last month with the lack of visitors but this month was definitely an improvement!

The weather has been very unpredictable varying between snow flurries, bouts of freezing rain, rain showers, and downright icy temps!  I did manage to get out a couple of times with my hiking buddy to one of my favourite spots, Jack Pine Trails, West Ottawa. We do more bird watching and feeding the birds than actual hiking!  There is nothing that is more therapeutic than feeding the chickadees, nuthatches and the occasional woodpecker out of one’s hand, in my books!  And of course, capturing these beautiful birds on camera brings me a HUGE amount of pleasure.

I don’t know about you but I have been encouraged to hear the spring songs outside. Yesterday, for the first time since the fall, I heard a Robin making noises. I also heard a cardinal singing his heart out! Not to forget the sing songs of the Chickadee! Spring is really in the air!

On February 14, I was driving through Almonte, and I had to pull over as I noticed the beautiful scene off the bridge. When I was photographing what I saw, a few other people pulled over to do the same thing. You will see why in the photo below.

Please enjoy my offerings from the last few weeks. See you in March!


Thankful Chickadee
American Tree Sparrow Eating from my window feeder. (Almonte)
Goldfinch in the snow.
A Hairy Woodpecker (female) checking out the yummy seeds.
Chickadee perching sideways. Jack Pine Trail
A pair of Mourning Doves.
Jack Pine Trail
A beautiful female Cardinal.
Jack Pine Trail
A gorgeous male Cardinal.
Jack Pine Trail
A chickadee weighing his meal options. Jack Pine Trail (cell phone photo)


A gorgeous male Cardinal.
Jack Pine Trail
A gorgeous male Cardinal.
Jack Pine Trail
A gorgeous male Cardinal with snow falling behind him.
Jack Pine Trail
White-breasted Nuthatch
Jack Pine Trail
Jack Pine Trail
Beautiful Chickadee after a freezing rain storm.
American Tree Sparrow
Mourning Doves soaking up the sun.
Jack Pine Trail
The beautiful view on Valentine’s morning, off the bridge in Almonte.




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