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EnerduEnerdu hydroelectric dam project concerns tourists to Almonte

Enerdu hydroelectric dam project concerns tourists to Almonte

Reader and local business woman Pat Vetter, who operates hte B&B Menzies House, provided this  e-mail exchange which illustrates that the Enerdu hydroelectric dam project may drive tourists from the town.

—– Original Message —–

From: 4alive@rogers.com

To: pfvetter@magma.ca

Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 7:32 PM

Subject: construction

Dear Pat and Frank Vetter,

We are having a visitor coming to stay with us in Ottawa. His favorite place to roam is beautiful Almonte. I understand that there was to be hydroelectric construction and am looking for more information. You are mentioned on line .. CBC news report, Apr 7th.I was wondering if you could let me know if a visit at this time is a good idea. Would it be better to wait until next year?.. Our friend loves the walk along the water and was planning a day's walk-about in your picturesque and historical town. I hope this request isn't too much trouble..I can't seem to find answers on line. Thank you so much.


Anne Fairlie

From: Pat Vetter

To: 4alive@rogers.com

Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 9:18 PM

Subject: Re: construction

Hi Anne.

Maybe??? some day there will be hydroelectric construction on the Mississippi River, but now we are a group of people who are doing our best to see that Enerdu fallows the rules. I think your friend is safe to come and enjoy our beautiful Town and stroll along the River Walkway this summer.

Pat Vetter

Pat Vetter
Menzies House 1850 B&B
Almonte. On





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