This delightful ice cream dessert was part of our Christmas dinner while growing up. It was made for family members who didn’t enjoy the traditional flaming Christmas pudding served with hard sauce. Mother sometimes made the frozen ice cream dessert in paper cups in a muffin tin.
- 1 L vanilla ice cream removed from freezer for 20 minutes
- 1/2 cup (125 ml) chopped pecans
- 1/2 cup (125 ml) mixed peel
- 1/2 cup )125 ml) chopped dried cranberries and or red and green cherries
- Zest and chopped segments of 1 or 2 Clementine or Mandarin orange
Place slightly softened ice cream, pecans, peel, dried fruit and orange in beater and gently combine just until mixture is combined and smooth. Line serving bowl with plastic wrap or paper cups set in muffin tin. Mound mixture into the bowl or tin and cover top with excess plastic wrap or fill paper cups, smooth top and cover over with plastic wrap; place in freezer for 12 hours or several days before serving. Turn bowl shape onto serving plate and peel off the plastic wrap. Decorate top of bowl shape or individual desserts with candied fruit if desired.