For the upcoming gardening season, the Neighbourhood Tomato Community Gardens at the Library is looking for people to take up a limited number of either raised beds (for people who find it difficult to bend) or regular beds. These gardens are available to grow your own vegetables at no cost. Don’t worry about expertise. We have each other and a lot of support from Master Gardeners, David Hinks and Gerda Franssen- not to mention help from many other kind people too numerous to mention.
In return, we would ask you to help with planting, growing watering, weeding and harvesting produce in gardens set aside for the purpose of growing fresh vegetables for people in need in our community.
If you are interested, please contact garden coordinator, David Garcia, at Once an email list has been established, we will contact you concerning a meeting to discuss how we can work together. Gardens not taken up by June 1st or abandoned are planted/harvested for distribution in our community.