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LivingHealthLet’s talk golf injuries – Part 2

Let’s talk golf injuries – Part 2

Jennifer Fergussonby Dr. Jennifer Fergusson, Chiropractor

As we talked about in part 1, injuries on the golf course are common, but many of them are preventable.

Start prepping for Golf season early. You wouldn’t sign up for a 5km run without planning on doing some training right? Make sure to get out and do some brisk walking.

Let’s talk shoulders.

The golf swing requires adequate shoulder ranges of motion to get through a full backswing and Golf shoulder exercisesfollow-through. Stretching the shoulders and chest using a door-frame or chair is an easy way to improve motion of the shoulders.

Control of the golf swing comes from the core. If core strength is unbalanced or insufficient it can throw off the swing. Starting a gentle core program of crunches, bird dog and side plank exercises can help get the core under control.

Focus on these endurance and coordination exercises to help protect your joints from injury.

Always warm up before a game. Dynamic movements get blood flowing to all of the major muscle groups. Just like taking a few practice strokes it primes the body for the activity ahead. These exercises could include squats or lunges, arm circles and arm swings.

If you are prone to shoulder and back injuries, modifying your swing may allow you to golf with less pain. Research showed that shortening the back swing had no impact on the speed of the club head and it may even improve your accuracy.1

Keep your feet happy. How comfortable are your golf shoes really? One study found that 11% of golfers have foot pain. Orthotics have been shown to increase the ball distance by 15 yards, improve balance and decrease foot fatigue.2

If you end up with a golf injury and pain that persists more than a few days have it checked out. That way you can get back to the course quickly and safely.

If you have any questions about the info seen here or would like a copy of a Stretch and Strength program, please stop by the clinic.

1. Bulbulian, R, Ball, K., Seaman, D.The short golf backswing: effects on performance and spinal health implications. JMPT, 24(9) 2001
2. Stude, D., Gullickson, J., Effects of orthotic intervention and nine holds of simulated golf on club-head velocity in experienced golfers. JMPT, 23(3) 2000
Dr. Jennifer Fergusson maintains a family Chiropractic practice with a focus on soft tissue release therapies and rehab at the Hands on Healing Clinic in Almonte.
Hands on healing




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