Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Answers to Diana’s Quiz – February 15, 2025

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NewsNew dock at the Metcalfe Geoheritage Park

New dock at the Metcalfe Geoheritage Park

Dock at the Park
Photo: © Joan Levesque

Boaters will rejoice at the new dock at the Metcalfe Geoheritage Park. Put in the water on May 24 this year it will facilitate boat launches and  tie ups. Now boaters can tie their boats to the dock and go and park their boat trailer across the road as instructed on site. The dock is the initiative of the Mississippi River Power Corporation (MRPC) with the intention of making make the river more boater and paddler friendly. This makes access easy for canoes, especially those where loading and unloading children is required.

MRPC Chairman Paul Virgin says that the dock has been in the plans for the development of the site since 2012. The MRPC is now responsible for the GeoHeritage Park and has paved the boat launch, improved the parking  lot, and rebuilt the public washroom building to improve lighting, ventilation and accessibility. The park has been landscaped with assistance from several local contributors including architects and landscape architects  Allan Goddard, Bill Mussell and Larry Gaines. It was only natural that a dock would be put in to facilitate river access to canoeists and kayakers, explains Mr. Virgin. The dock cost $6,000 which came out of the capital funds of the MRPC.

MRPC General Manager Scott Newton states that the dock is being well used by boaters as well as by fishermen/women and people sitting to have their morning coffee or lunch. Scott tells us to watch for another neat addition to the park in the coming days, perfect for Mississippi Mills Bicycle Month.




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