Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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by Susan Hanna This recipe from Ina Garten...

What is that … Long Beast?

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LivingHealthAlmonte House and Garden Tour blossoms into successful fundraiser

Almonte House and Garden Tour blossoms into successful fundraiser

The Almonte House and Garden Tour, held Saturday, June 24, raised over $24,000.  More than 500 people enjoyed getting a peek into seven of Almonte’s most interesting homes and three outstanding gardens. The fundraiser was a resounding success for the Almonte General Hospital Fairview Manor Foundation (AGH FVM) and the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM), who partnered to put on the event with the help of dozens of volunteers.

“What a well-curated event showcasing local history through stellar architecture, artistic interior and exterior design, combining old and new, as well as innovative new green architecture”, said Michael Rikley-Lancaster, Executive Director/Curator of the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum. “These funds will help MVTM operations as we recover from the lengthy closures due to COVID-19.”

“What a spectacular way to showcase some of the gems in this beautiful town,” said Al Roberts, Managing Director of the AGH FVM Foundation. “The funds raised will help us put new clinical equipment in the hands of our talented doctors and staff, many of whom enjoyed the tour.”

Both organizations are extremely thankful to all of the volunteers who helped with this event, as well as to the amazing community members who opened their homes and gardens for the fundraiser: The Glen, Old Burnside, New Burnside, St. George Street, Adelaide Court, Pinehurst, Carss Street, Strathburn Street garden, Farm Street garden, and Main Street garden. Both heritage and contemporary home and garden designs were featured on the tour.

Corporate partners helped underwrite costs and contributed to the net proceeds. These included: ACE Country & Garden, Alexandre Allard-Dufour, Baker Bob’s, Joanne Beaton exp Realty Brokerage Sales Representative, Blume Landscaping Design, Carleton Place Nursery Ltd., Hummingbird Chocolate Maker, Mill Street Books, Ozo Construction, Ramsay Creek Gardening Simplified, The Sterling, Travel By Emma, Westview Projects, and Whitehouse Nursery and Display Gardens.

The Event Planning Committee, who made this tour such a wonderful success, were Lea-Anne Solomonian, Jill Moxley, Charlotte Farmer, Margaret Miller, Scott Campbell, Sophia Prescott, and Michael Rikley-Lancaster.




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