Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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CoronavirusCritical supplies donated to local health care workers

Critical supplies donated to local health care workers

Thank you to Tomlinson and all who have donated supplies

Thank you to Tomlinson Group and other community members who have donated equipment. Here, Stephanie Paquette, Registered Nurse, Mary Wilson Trider, President and CEO, and Travis Mellema, Chief, Lanark County Paramedic Service accept the donations from Roger Larabie of Tomlinson.

In times of uncertainty, neighbours help neighbours. And that is what happened this week when Tomlinson Group donated 1,000 N95 masks to support front line workers caring for our communities. The masks will be shared between Almonte General Hospital, Fairview Manor, Lanark County Paramedic Service and Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital.

In addition, we also want to thank Dr. Naji Louis, Kathleen McIntyre and members of our communities, some of whom wish to remain anonymous, for their generous donations of personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies.

Donation to Almonte General Hospital from Dr. Naji Louis Family Dentistry

Ryan Downing, Vice President, Operations Support at Tomlinson, shares their story: “The Tomlinson Group of Companies has employees that live in the Almonte area. We put together a task force and during that meeting, an employee asked if Tomlinson would donate to the Almonte General Hospital.  After speaking with Kimberley Harbord Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, we learned that Almonte Hospital also operates the Lanark County Paramedic Service and works closely with Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital.  We are happy to help!”

“We are grateful for these additional masks which will help us ensure the safety and well-being of patients, residents, staff and physicians,” said Mary Wilson Trider, President and CEO. “Our teams are working very hard so that we are prepared to care for our communities during these extraordinary times. We truly appreciate everyone’s support.”

In the future it is possible that more donated PPE equipment may be needed. If you are able to donate factory-made personal protective equipment (N95 masks, gowns or face shields), please email Cindy Skebo at Almonte General Hospital at cskebo@agh-fvm.com or Angie Kelly at Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital at akelly@carletonplacehosp.com to make arrangements.

For the latest updates about Coronavirus, please visit the Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit website at www.healthunit.org.  For the latest updates on what we are doing to keep patients safe, please visit the our websites at www.almontegeneral.com/coronavirus and www.cpdmh.ca/coronavirus.





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