You may not be aware of the Mississippi Mills Group Liaison Committee. Made up of local service clubs, churches and Mills Community Support, this group works collaboratively to address unmet needs of residents of Mississippi Mills in the areas of, but not limited to, safety and health. They strive to improve the
quality of life of individuals, thereby strengthening our community.
A request came to the Group Liaison Committee from a local doctor on behalf of a patient.
This person had become housebound and in need of a wheelchair ramp. Given the cost, the family reached out for help. Jeff Mills, Coordinator of Community Development for Mills Community Support made all the contacts and coordinated all the work on the ramp. A plan for the ramp was provided by local architect, Peter Mansfield, and then service clubs stepped up with money, as did the family, and the County of Lanark. Thanks to the generosity of Neilcorp Homes, carpenters Lynn McLean, Mike Dirienzo, Adam Price, and Steve Nichols along with recruited carpenter Tyler Closs nearly completed the ramp in two days.
These carpenters worked a bit in the rain on their first day and even stayed on their own time to move the project forward. “The owners and employees of Neilcorp Homes are very proud to help out residents, charities and festivals in our community. The community has been great in supporting us.
It’s our way of giving back,” mentioned co-owner Robert Dick.
Steve Lowry and members of the “Fathers and Sons” group from Hillside Church will put the finishing touches on this project by installing the top rail this Saturday.
In a thank you note to the Group Liaison Committee, a family member mentioned, “Your efforts in fundraising and the manual labour which the volunteers performed to complete the ramp will enable my sister-in-law to maintain a better quality of life and give her some independence.”
For citizens interested in making a financial contribution to aid the efforts of the Group Liaison Committee, donations are accepted at the Hub through their Helping Hand Fund.
Many thanks to all who have quietly helped to make this happen. We live in such an abundant community.