Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Science & NatureNatureMVFN sponsorship to the 2022 Ontario Nature Youth Summit

MVFN sponsorship to the 2022 Ontario Nature Youth Summit

Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists (MVFN) is pleased to once again sponsor two local students to attend the Ontario Nature Youth Summit to be held September 23-25, 2022. The sponsorship includes full registration as well as travel expenses up to $150.00.

Eligible candidates are high school students in grades 9 to 12 (as of September 2022) in Lanark County who are interested in the natural world.

The application process involves the completion of an online form. The link is available in the ” ” web page. Selected candidates may have a short interview with MVFN members.

*Application deadline is June 24, 2022.  Winners will be announced in July. Successful applicants are expected to provide a short report to the MVFN of their experiences at the Youth Summit.

Ontario Nature will offer a cross-cultural event planned and run by Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth leaders from across Ontario. The Youth Summit brings together about 100 students in grades 9-12. In partnership with the ON Youth Council and Youth Council for Mother Earth, the youth come together to learn about topics such as native plants, food security, pollinators, traditional medicine, environmental change, positive solutions to conservation and environmental issues, biodiversity, networking, story sharing and leadership skills.

Some of the highlights to look forward to at the summit are:
– compelling interactive workshops and activities
– keynote presentation by a high profile speaker
– meeting diverse young leaders with similar interests from across Ontario.

For more details on the Youth Summit, go to the Ontario Nature web site The website will be updated as information becomes available.

For further information on the application process, please contact Nick de Boer at or (613)-256-5963.




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