Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Shut-in requests computer help

A shut-in senior in Almonte is looking...

Evolution Wellness is open on Ottawa Street

Young entrepreneur opens wellness clinic in Almonte...
Municipal Election 2018Note of thanks from John Edwards

Note of thanks from John Edwards

At the beginning of this campaign, I had no idea what to expect. After four years of serving and making decisions as best I can, I go each door not knowing what to expect. It is with some trepidation when I stand alone outside the doors of homes. I am having so many conversations with the citizens of Ramsay.  People take the election very seriously. I’ve had polite conversations, tough conversations, inquiring conversations and positive conversations. It’s been a chance for me to really listen to the concerns of Ramsay residents and I needed to sit down and write this note to all of you – my supporters.

Being a member of council has been very rewarding. There have been some tough times, for sure. But without a doubt, the entire process of being out in the community, listening carefully, working together for the betterment of all, and making solid progress, has been a hugely rewarding experience. I have no idea how these few words can offer up any more than scant recognition for such genuine support so far, but please know that I am at my most sincere, when I say that the interest and generosity from you as I go door-to-door has truly touched me. I am profoundly grateful. How kind and encouraging to have been warmly welcomed into your homes and at your doorsteps for some good, honest conversations.

Thank you Ramsay.  You are top-notch, all of you, and of course, friends. I am deeply humbled to have been given the honour of serving as your councillor for many years.  I thank you for considering me when you vote this time around, and no matter what the outcome is, I am filled with hope for the future and gratitude for the entire experience.

With utmost respect,

John Edwards




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