Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Bigfoot says Canada is a good place to live

Reflections from the Swamp Dear Reader We are on...

Answers to Diana’s Quiz – January 18, 2025

by Diana Filer 1.  Besides the 4 political...
ColumnistsPeter Nelson's TravelsPeter Nelson's travels - Farewell to Hong Kong

Peter Nelson’s travels – Farewell to Hong Kong

by Peter Nelson

Hong Kong was one of the most appealing places I’ve ever visited. Had the exotic flavour of the mysterious Orient, the murky backstreets and chaotic markets of the Third World, but also the comfort and safety of a British-administered former colony. The best of both worlds.

Looking at Hong Kong city from the Star Ferry terminal on the Kowloon side.
Approaching the docks on the ferry. A small boat scurries out of the way.
The south side of Hong Kong Island.
Almost every side street is also a market.
The green fields of Lantau Island.
Tiger Balm Garden – Tiger Balm is an herbal salve that supposedly relieves minor pains. It made its manufacturer a multi-millionaire, and he built this place as a sort of amusement park. Some visitors called it a monument to bad taste!




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