The Team Challenge for this year’s Scotiabank Mississippi Mills River Walk & Run heated up recently, and not just because of the steamy summer weather.
Town Councillors Jane Torrance and Amanda Pulker-Mok turned up at the Hospital on Thursday, Aug. 4 to do some practise laps for the Saturday, Sept. 10 Hospital fundraiser only to find Hospital Chair Cindy Hobbs and Foundation Chair Art Solomonian out practising too.
Perhaps it was the excitement of the Olympic Games but a competitive spirit quickly gripped the group. So much so that it resulted in the Board Chairs challenging the Town Councillors to a walking, running, fund-raising showdown!
Councillors Pulker-Mok and Torrance were quick to take up the challenge. They both have had recent experience with the Hospital’s birthing unit, which benefits from proceeds raised through the annual fundraiser. Pulker-Mok’s son Jayden was born at AGH in April as was Torrance’s granddaughter Grace.
“We’re fielding Running for Council Family & Friends Team that will put the Hospital and Foundation Board Teams to shame,” said a combative Pulker-Mok.
“All Amanda and I have to do is look at her beautiful son and my adorable granddaughter and think about the care provided by our fantastic birthing unit, that’s all the motivation we need to rise to this challenge!” added Torrance.
In its third year, the annual walk or run has routes for every level of participant including a 3k Family Route and 3, 5 & 10k timed routes. New this year, a Zombie Out-Run will see participants maneuvering thru a 3k route trying to avoid some unpleasant obstacles.
“This event is all about having fun and raising funds to support our birthing unit and women’s health care, said Hospital Chair Hobbs. Anyone born in Almonte, or who makes use of our Hospital or Manor, or who simply recognizes that having quality health care close to home is worthy of our ongoing support should sign up and participate.”
“Our organizing committee has moved the starting line to behind the Hospital and Manor this year and put lots of fun activities in place for pre and post walkers, runners and those in attendance cheering participants on,” said Foundation Chair Solomonian. “Supporting the Hospital and Manor was all the motivation I needed but now to take on the Town Councillors makes it even more worthwhile.”
Teams entered in the Bean Cars Team Challenge include:
- Body Poets Massage Therapy
- Rehab Regenerators
- Foundation Fun-Raisers
- Board Trail Blazers
- Team Breary
- Uncorked
- Running for Office
- Orchard View by the Mississippi
- Lulu Lemon Ottawa
- Get Your Mortar Running
- Little Mamas
Information about the Walk and Run is available at: or by calling 613-256-2500 ext. 2296