Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Police ReportsSeatbelt Campaign - buckle up!

Seatbelt Campaign – buckle up!

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is once again drawing the line for drivers and passengers: Buckle up or face a fine!

 The OPP will launch a Spring Seatbelt Campaign April 14 – 22, 2012.

 The week long operation will target drivers and occupants who are not buckled up, with particular focus on child restraints. A properly used booster seat can reduce a child’s risk of injury in a crash by as much as 75 percent. However, OPP officers continue to find children in danger because they are not properly strapped in a child car seat or the booster seat is incorrectly installed.

 “Children are our future and they deserve every protection we can give them. Please ensure that any child is properly secured while travelling in your vehicle. Their lives depend on it,” said Chris Lewis, Commissioner, Ontario Provincial Police.

 Many of the injuries and deaths on our roads would not occur if everyone in a vehicle were adequately restrained by safety belts. In OPP jurisdictions during the first three months of this year, nine people have died in a collision as a result of not wearing a seatbelt and many more were seriously injured.

 Vehicle occupants who are not buckled up can expect to pay a $240 fine and two demerit points. More important, by wearing a seatbelt, unnecessary deaths and injuries can be prevented.


  •  Seatbelt non-compliance draws a fine of $240 and two demerit points.
  • In 2011, 285 people lost their lives in motor vehicle collisions on OPP patrolled roads and in 71 of those deaths, seatbelt non-compliance was a factor.

  • In 2011, the OPP laid a total of 29, 471 charges of seatbelt non-compliance, up by 3,847 from 2010.

OPP  East Region Contact: Sergeant Kristine Rae Phone: 613 284-4557

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