We’ve heard from a fellow from the UK who was taught by Jack in Worcester back in the 1960s, before Jack emigrated to Canada and eventually made his way to Almonte. Jack was known and admired here first as a teacher and later as the owner of the Curiosities antique shop on Mill Street.
Jack’s former student re-established contact with him over email a few years back, and at some point came across a video of Jack “in a curio store talking to the camera and describing some of the various items for sale.” He’s hoping to find a copy of that video somewhere.
He remembers Jack as “a very inspirational teacher, religious studies and biology. He was also in charge of the Combined Cadet Force at the school and he held the rank of Major, and Major Elgood was a man you did not mess with. He was very tall with close-cropped black hair… One of the things he did was teach me to shoot, target rifles .22 and .303.”
Can anyone point us in the right direction? Note that the video in question is not this one, in which Jack appears briefly: https://youtu.be/IUfJzHWpXUM