Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Four drawer filing cabinet

If anyone is interested and will, pick...

Green Bean and Olive Salad  

by Susan Hanna This salad from Canadian Living...

Naismith Men’s Shed Owl Boxes

Limited-time offer from your local Naismith Men's...

Letters to the Editor


A note of thanks to Fairview Manor

My husband is a patient at Fairview Manor. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to the recreation program for everything they do for...

Reflections on Remembrance Day

by Stephen Brathwaite I went to the Remembrance Day service today and was reminded that no matter how long I've been here (51 years) the surnames being read out of...

The privatization of healthcare and the Trojan Horse

I was at a protest in Almonte last Tuesday morning. Like all the protests I’ve ever been part of, it was a sociable occasion. Timmy’s coffee and muffins. Friends...

The gorgeous men of Lanark County

by Amelia Gordon When I think of all my single professional women friends in Ottawa, with great careers, but big lonely spots in their...