Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Naismith Men’s Shed Owl Boxes

Limited-time offer from your local Naismith Men's...

Answers to Diana’s Quiz – February 15, 2025

by Diana Filer 1.  Finland has again been...
LivingGardeningGardening in Almonte: Ed and me in CP

Gardening in Almonte: Ed and me in CP


I am excited to be part of a gardening workshop, along with Ed Lawrence, our very own gardening celebrity, that will be held this Saturday April 8 from 10 am until noon in the Boardroom on the ground floor of the Carleton Place Arena. I will be presenting a few slides on the gardening calendar, talking about which vegetables like cool growing conditions and the ones that need heat and Ed will be there to make sure that I’m on the right path and will answer your gardening questions!

We need to know the gardening calendar if we want to grow food successfully. It is critical to be aware of the peculiarities of our local climate and how that determines what we can grow and when it should be planted. Beginner vegetable gardeners often get the impression that the whole vegetable garden gets planted on the May 24 weekend. While this is appropriate for heat-loving and frost-sensitive plants such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, basil, pumpkins, melons and cucumbers, it is just wrong for plants that like cooler conditions. Spinach and lettuce hate the heat and will be bitter and twisted if planted in late May!

The Carleton Place Home Show also takes place this weekend so plan on taking in both events. You have to pay to get in to the Home Show; our workshop is free – donations to the Carleton Place Community Garden rejuvenation will be gratefully accepted.

The project to rejuvenate the community garden next to St. Gregory School on Townline Road in Carleton Place is being spearheaded by the Lanark County Food Bank (aka the Hunger Stop) in collaboration with existing gardeners at the site and in consultation with local Master Gardeners. It is being funded by a grant from Sysco Food and is supported by several local businesses.

I will also be presenting a few slides on the Community Garden project and there will be an opportunity to sign up for an allotment bed on Saturday.

Circle the dates April 29 and 30, the last weekend in April. Construction will be in full swing starting at 9 in the morning and going until dark (or until we drop). Bring your wheelbarrows, shovels and rakes!






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