It’s been a busy two months since Kristi Farrier jumped in with both feet as the new Resource Development Coordinator for Mills Community Support. Within a few weeks of starting Kristi, with the help and support of her new colleagues, had launched the annual Home Fires campaign to raise funds for home support services for seniors and adults with physical disabilities. On the tail of the fundraising campaign Kristi was on to encouraging local municipalities to declare October 1st as International Day of Older Persons in their communities and preparing for the dedication of Mills Community Support’s new seniors apartment building located at 411 Country Street in Almonte.
Mills Community Support is a non-profit organization that partners in community development and provides affordable housing and support and services to seniors and adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. Although based in Almonte, Mills Community Support works and is making connections in several eastern Lanark County communities including the Town of Mississippi Mills, the Town of Carleton Place, the Township of Beckwith, and the Town of Smiths Falls. Earlier this year, the organization identified the need to do more to build awareness and support for its work. As a result, a Fundraising, Marketing and Communications Committee was formed and the decision was made to hire a part-time Resource Development Coordinator. Chief Executive Officer, Mike Coxon commented that “as a result of the growing reach of the Mills and a related expanded service role it was important to bring a person into the organization to ensure that news about the excellent work we’re doing at the Mills is shared with the community. This way people are aware of our efforts, have information on how they can benefit from our programs and services, as well as know about the various ways in which they can get involved in contributing to the work of the Mills.”
Kristi Farrier is a great fit for the role. Linda McGreevy, fundraising specialist and Chair of the Mills Community Support Fundraising, Marketing and Communications Committee noted “the selection committee was very impressed with Kristi’s outstanding communications and organizational skills that would be a tremendous asset to the Mills’ resource development efforts.” With a background in policy and program development and management, Kristi is well positioned to set-up a professional and effective communications and fund development program. Her experience with high-profile initiatives such as the federal government’s redress of the historical Chinese Head Tax makes her keenly aware of the need for strong communications and public support when addressing social justice issues. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Urban and Regional Studies and a Master of Public Administration.
Kristi’s pleasure in joining Mills Community Support is obvious when she speaks about her new role. “Having been a resident of Lanark County for almost 20 years, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share the good news and build support for such an engaged organization as the Mills. It’s an organization that’s really about people. It’s about connecting people of all ages and abilities to come together and build better, more vibrant and inclusive communities.”