And a bit of a facelift.
by Brent Eades
As regular readers will know, we’ve been subject to various technical challenges in recent months — not least the dreaded Zombie Process Attack of 2017.
These problems largely resulted from outgrowing our US-based hosting company — the volume of traffic and the complexity of the site have been increasing year after year, and we needed a more robust solution.
But moving the site was going to be, as we say in the tech world, non-trivial. In seven years of publishing we’ve generated a truly gobsmacking quantity of files — about 200,000 all told — as well as a good deal of custom code and tweaking.
Anyway, in January I began the process, with the assistance of the good folks at Sibername web hosting in Ottawa. I figured that while I was at it I may as well give the site a minor facelift too; you’ll notice new typography and a redesigned home page, among other minor tweaks.
(The big ‘news slider’ on the home page will also mean I have to keep that section more current than I sometimes do; I tend to save it for stories that I deem especially major, which means it gets a little stale at times when nothing earthshaking is happening around town.)
We hope the new hosting arrangement will lead to less technical angst in the future, and also that you like the refreshed look of the paper.
And as always, we want to remind you that the paper wouldn’t exist without the countless local folks who contribute articles, notices, photos and story ideas. Please keep them coming.