Friday, January 17, 2025
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LivingHealthOctober is National Occupational Therapy Month

October is National Occupational Therapy Month

by Susan Hanna

Agh_fm_tm_col logo At the Almonte General Hospital/ Fairview Manor (AGH/FVM), OT services are provided, with a doctor’s referral, to patients in the Hospital’s Rosamond Unit, residents of Fairview Manor and outpatients who attend the AGH Day Hospital program.

 October is National Occupational Therapy Month. Here is more information about OT services from AGH/FVM Manor Occupational Therapist Peggy Wallace.

Assessment – “We assess each patient or resident, set goals, determine interventions and measure results,” Ms Wallace explains. “Among other things, we assess the ability to carry out the activities of daily living, cognitive function and upper extremity function.”OTs help patients with both temporary and chronic conditions.

Self-Care – “Self-care refers to such activities as dressing, washing and eating,” she says. “If a patient has difficulty dressing, we try practising to improve the skill. If that doesn’t work, we can provide aids such as sock aids, elastic shoe laces, reachers and grabbers.”

Productivity – “For a child, this would be play and for a youth it would be school,” says Ms Wallace. “For an adult it is their work and for a senior it is caring for their home and volunteer work. We develop tools and strategies to help each patient with these activities.”

Leisure – “This includes things like hobbies and sports,” says Ms Wallace. “For example, if you garden, we will look at using a stool, long-handled tools, a raised garden or modifying the gardening task in some other way.

Client-centred – “Occupational therapy is very client-centered,” says Ms Wallace. “We look at the big picture, assess the impact of the illness or disability on the patient’s life and help improve their functional level




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