At the Hospital’s Annual General Meeting on June 1st, Board Chair Paul Virgin, Finance Committee Chair Rod Hall and I took the opportunity to thank the Almonte General Hospital/Fairview Manor Foundation’s donors for their contributions during the 2014/15 fiscal year. As many of you are aware, the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care provides funding for day-to-day operating costs and for bricks and mortar. Funding for equipment is the responsibility of communities.
Your generosity allowed the Hospital and Manor to purchase over $245,000 of new and replacement equipment over the past year.
Donors, your gifts have had a positive impact on the quality of care and comfort of patients, residents and their families. Thank you for your tremendous support.
Thanks are also due to the members of the Almonte General Hospital Foundation Board of Directors, who contribute countless volunteer hours in support of fundraising for the Hospital and Fairview Manor. In particular, I would like to recognize Board Chair Al Lunney, Finance Committee Chair Art Levi and Fundraiser Extraordinare Margaret Brunton, who stepped down from the Foundation Board earlier this month. Their commitment of time, energy and talent was greatly appreciated.
Patients and residents are benefitting from:
Central Sterile Reprocessing
- Ultrasonic instrument cleaner
Emergency Department
- V60 Ventilator
Fairview Manor
- Van for transporting residents to excursions and events
- Ceiling lift
- Steam vapour system for cleaning residents wheelchairs, walkers and lifts
Medical/Surgical Unit
- 2 IV pumps
- 4 beds and mattresses
- 17 patient chairs
- CADD Solis pump
- Telemetry transmitter
Obstetrics Department
- 3 IV pumps
Operating Room
- 2 Resection scopes
- Bookwalter retractor
- Supply cabinet
- Treadmill
- Pneumatic walker (adjustable to the height of the patient)
Rosamond Unit
- 3 ceiling lifts
- Identification display system for patient room doors
Mary Wilson Trider is President & CEO of the Almonte General Hospita