by Brent Eades
UPDATE: As of 6:00 p.m. Thursday this petition has over 1,700 signatures, the majority from Almonte and the immediate area. Mayor Levi and members of council, I hope you’re listening.
At the recent community meeting expressing opposition to the proposed Enerdu hydroelectric project in downtown Almonte, councillor Val Wilkinson told us, “You need to convince [council] that there are enough people who don’t want this. It may change their position. People need to speak up. We each have a voice. We represent the people…”
To give the people of our town a voice that perhaps has not been heard loudly enough yet, I’ve created an online petition on my website. It reads:
This petition calls for the Mayor and Council of Mississippi Mills to convey a clear message to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources:
The proposed Enerdu hydroelectric project in downtown Almonte poses unacceptable environmental, heritage and economic risks to this community and should not be approved.
If you share my concerns about the potential harm of this project to our town, I ask you to sign the petition.
When you sign it, an email will be sent to the Town of Mississippi Mills stating that you oppose the project.