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NewsPublic Consultation Session - Downtown Almonte Heritage Conservation District Study & Plan - TONIGHT

Public Consultation Session – Downtown Almonte Heritage Conservation District Study & Plan – TONIGHT

Almonte Heritage District study postcard.Public Consultation Session

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Almonte Old Town Hall Auditorium

Presentation at 7:00 p.m.

Property owners and interested members of the community are invited to attend a Public Consultation Session to provide input on the Downtown Almonte Heritage Conservation District Study. The study area covers the commercial core of Almonte, including areas in around Mill and Bridge Streets, as well as the residential areas surrounding Union Street North, Main Street East and Queen Street, and the residential area of Coleman Island.

The study was initiated in early 2014 to evaluate the buildings and resources within the study area, and to consider designation of this area as a Heritage Conservation District (HCD). A well-attended Public Meeting and Information Session was held in March 2014, where the concept of a Heritage Conservation District was introduced.

This Public Consultation Session will present the general findings and recommendations of the study, including objectives for designation, proposed boundaries of the HCD, and a description of the District. The Public Consultation offers an opportunity to provide input and feedback on these findings.

Community input and the incorporation of local knowledge are very important to the success of the HCD study. The continued success of this initiative depends on the time you take to attend this Public Consultation Session. We thank you in advance for your participation.

For further information, please contact Diane Smithson, CAO at 613 256-2064 x225 or by email




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